Who Am I?

I come from a place that no longer exists.

My parents raised me in a pleasant middle class suburb south of Denver, Colorado, in the 90’s and 00’s. In 2010, I left home to go to college in the State Which Shall Not Be Named, and stayed there for a job in video game development until 2018. I visited friends back in Denver that year, and found that what had been a mid-sized city on the edge of the Rockies, with its own character, identity, and culture, had transformed into an outpost of the Californian culture. I bought an RV and went searching for a place that felt like I remembered was home.

After a brief stay in North Carolina for a job, I bought a house in the Treasure Valley in 2020, where I found refuge from the insanity of that year, a church that helped me regain my faith in Christ, and a culture where people understand personal responsibility and the value of liberty. I now split my time between volunteering for my church, developing a video game, hiking in the Rockies, and doing administrative work and activism for the Libertarian Party of Idaho.

Why am I running?

We all know that Idaho’s politics are dominated by the Republican Party, to the point that most people register Republican in order to vote in their primary; even progressives do this, which is part of the reason we see progressive-leaning moderates like Brad Little in our government.

What, then, is the point of challenging Russ Fulcher, who has only lost one election in Idaho when he challenged Butch Otter in the primary for Governor in 2014? For me, there are two major reasons:

  • While Fulcher is one of the less bad House Republicans regarding our Natural Rights and Liberties, he still regularly votes along with the Washington establishment to increase the debt limit, fund the many different agencies that infringe on our liberties, and spend our grandchildren’s savings before they are even born. Idaho deserves better.
  • The Republicans in Idaho need a real challenge from a party that loves what Idaho is, and is unhappy with how the GOP sells us out for political gains in DC. The Democrats are possessed by the Progressive movement, which would seek to destroy the things we love about Idaho, and is a non-starter. The Libertarian Party can be the vehicle for real opposition to the GOP that defends Idahoan liberty and culture.

I don’t want this job. I don’t want to spend time in Washington, DC, away from my family, my church, my community, and my beloved Rockies. However, I believe that my platform will serve the people of Idaho better than any Republican, and better than any other candidate in this race. I have the experience dealing with parliamentary minutia to navigate the corrupt halls of Congress and put up roadblocks against the US Regime’s intrusions on our rights. I can serve God, liberty, and the people of Idaho, and so I will go where I am needed.

How can you help?

More than anything, my campaign needs volunteers outside of Ada County to spread the word and help to organize campaign events. If you’re interested in giving your time to help protect and advance the cause of Liberty in Idaho, contact this campaign.

I am still in the process of setting up fundraising channels for the campaign. In the meantime, you can visit the Donate page to see several ways you could give money to deserving causes in Idaho.

Thank you for your interest! God bless you, and God bless and defend the people of Idaho.